The Process



Collaboration Getting to know you and your business inside and out to properly speak in your tone and voice.  


I will be deep diving into your socials, website, sales pages and offers.  No one knows your business like you do and you can fill in any blanks.  You’ll also help me hone in on your dream client - no more speaking to the wrong audience.


Pinterest:  Setting up and/or optimizing your 24/7 lead gen machine - Pinterest.  


Expand beyond socials to get in front of people who are looking for help in changing their life and actively searching for what you offer!


Results From Foundation:  From here you will have the foundation laid to start connecting with your dream clients, establish credibility and authority and stand out beyond socials.



Blogging:  Crafting blog posts that help you gain credibility and trust and connect with your audience on a deeper level.


Blog posts are your own space to show off your knowledge and coaching style, draw people deeper into your world and show how you can help people make the changes they’re craving.  People will go from wondering “who is that?” to “YES, I need her!”.


Pinterest:  Pinning daily on your new Pinterest account.


Pinning fresh content daily means your Pinterest presence will grow.  You’ll start getting more eyes on your website (and your offers) and more dream clients finding you.


Results From Momentum:  Here’s where you’ll start to see growing traffic to your website, more inquiries in your inbox and more interest in who you are and what you do.  You’re standing out and establishing credibility in your space even as a new coach.



Pinterest & Blogging:  Finishing up the last blog posts and pins.


The last deliverables are handed over including any templates so you can keep up with the momentum we’ve created over the past month.  Your foundation is rock solid and you're feeling excited about the leads that are flooding in and resonating with your message. Now it’s time to keep going and keep growing!


Analysis:  Seeing how your content has been performing over the last month so you can adapt accordingly.


Results From The Wrap Up:  From here on out, as long as you are consistent, your reach and brand presence will keep growing.  You’ve got a great foundation to show the world what you can help them with!

Are you ready to start standing out and attracting those dream clients?  Book a call today!