How Combining Pinterest and Blogging Can Help New Coaches

You've made the leap into starting your new coaching business (let me say CONGRATS ON THAT - you should be proud!) and you're ready to start changing the world.  You're full of excitement and energy.  You set up your website, you have an amazing logo and you get that Instagram page ready to be followed.  You're making reels, you're posting consistently, the followers and clients should be rolling in but... they're not. 

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Pinterest Marketing for Realtors

Have you been hearing about service based businesses using Pinterest for marketing?  As a realtor, are you wondering if it can work for you?  Or maybe someone has told you that you can’t use Pinterest for local businesses.  You absolutely can but maybe not in the way that you think.  

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3 Ways To Connect With Dream Clients

You started your coaching business or course because you want to help people change their life.  But in order to do that, you need to find those people! Even better, you can be found by those people.  Without an audience to serve, your work doesn't do much.  So let's dive right into three ways to connect with those dream clients!

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How Pinterest Marketing Helps Coaches

Have you been led to believe service based businesses can't thrive on Pinterest?  Yeah, I've heard that load of baloney before, too.  When Pinterest first started, it was a haven for food and beauty bloggers.  It still is! Pinterest is in the kitchen with me every night for dinner and has accompanied me to every salon visit.  

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