All About Impressions on Pinterest

Pinterest analytics can seem overwhelming in the beginning.  There's a lot of them and some have more weight than others.  One of the first ones your eye will be drawn to will be the impressions.  What does that mean?  Are they important?  Let's dive in.

What Are Impressions?


First things first.  What is an impression on Pinterest?


It means that you showed up on someone's feed.  They did a search for "mindset tips" and your blog post was a result.  


This does not mean anything other than the pin showed up on a screen.  It does not include any sort of engagement.

Where do you find impressions?  


You can find them on your business hub page (total for 30 days is the default view)

You can also find this information by going to Analytics where you can change your date range and find top pins and boards sorted by impressions.

Clicking on to an individual pin also will give you the number for just that particular pin (once again, 30 days is default)

Are Impressions Important?


Every analytic has its place but some have more weight than others.

Impressions are important because a) if no one is seeing your pin then no one can interact with it and b) they can show you if you need to work on some things.

However, 5000 impressions and no saves or click throughs isn't as useful as 1000 impressions and 200 saves or click throughs.  

I'm not going to lie though - when you see big impressions, it does give you a little dopamine spike.

Low impressions?


It could be a number of things.


First, it could be your pin design and SEO.  Pinterest is not picking up the signals that you should be served out to the audience.  Remember to use those keywords (correctly)! 


It also could be the time of year.  Summers can be slower because people are busier - travelling, spending time outside, etc.  Dips are completely normal.  Please don't stop pinning in low times.  All of your work is compounding so don't lose momentum! 

High impressions?


If you're seeing high impressions that is a strong sign that your SEO and design is solid.  Good job! Take a look at individual high impression pins and reuse that strategy.

What else you should be looking for with high impressions


For these pins, you should also be looking at the pin clicks (someone clicked on it to take a closer look), the saves (someone pinned it to a board) and the click through rate (they were so interested in your pin they just had to know more).  If you're seeing high impressions and low engagement once again, it could be a few things.


Maybe your pin design isn't standing out in a sea of other pins.  Work on your designs to make them stop the scroll.


Maybe your pin design isn't meshing with what they thought it would be.  Make sure there is a definite cohesion between the pin and the copy.


Maybe they didn't know you offered even MORE value if they clicked.  This is why we use call to actions!


Maybe they took a screen shot instead.  There's not a ton you can do to combat this besides compelling them to click with enticing copy.  Think of the copy as bread crumbs and if they follow the trail they'll be rewarded.


Maybe their phone died and we've all been there.

That's all about impressions on Pinterest! Just remember - they have their place in your analytics but don't freak out about them.  Use them to guide you on your pin design and SEO.  


Got questions?  I've got answers! Reach out today!

I'm Mindy - a Pinterest Marketing + Content Manager.


I love working with realtors, coaches and creative service providers.


If you want to attract those dream clients organically, stand out and skip marketing overwhelm then you're in the right place!


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