Is Your Business Ready For Pinterest?

If you can’t tell by now, Pinterest is something I’m quite fond of.  I could go on and on about my passion for it in my personal life but let’s talk business building.  I think it’s such an underutilized platform because some people have no idea you can use it to grow their business.  


When I tell people what I do, the majority of people are really confused.  They didn't realize that Pinterest could be so powerful in driving traffic, growing email lists and increasing brand awareness.  I'm here to tell you it excels in all of that!


Pinterest has grown to over 450 million monthly users.  It is the number one inspiration platform over magazines, TV and other media giants.  People use Pinterest as a one stop shop for inspiration, to find new products and new possibilities.  


People aren’t coming to Pinterest for doom scrolling.  They’re not getting FOMO from seeing their friends live fabulous social media curated lives.  They’re using the search bar for inspiration on how to improve their life.  Boy does Pinterest give them the goods!


Using Pinterest for your business can skyrocket your website traffic, grow your email list and increase your brand awareness.  It can get people to say “I haven’t heard of you before but I found you on Pinterest! You’re just what I need.”


Sounds fantastic, I know.  Now let’s talk about whether or not Pinterest is right for your business.

Ask yourself these questions:


1. Do you have an online presence?

Pinterest only works if you have something to link to... the pins have to go somewhere. If you're a strictly brick and mortar business, it's not for you.


This first one is just about the only hard and fast "it's not gonna work for you".  


2. Do you have a bank of content ready to go AND are you willing to keep creating fresh content?

Once again, you have to send your pins somewhere and Pinterest L-O-V-E-S fresh content. If you're just starting out, that is FINE! Just keep in mind you should be creating new content regularly and consistently.  


Not only that, you should be creating valuable content.  As I said before, pinners are coming to the platform to search for ways to improve their lives.  Your expertise and knowledge helps them to do that.  You're going to see a bigger success rate when you're serving up things that make someone's life better.


One great content vehicle is a blog! You can read my post on why a business should have a blog but I'll say this - blogs create a connection with your audience beyond a character limit and shows off your expertise.  


3. Are you willing to put in the effort OR hire someone to do that for you?

There is work that goes into Pinterest marketing. You're researching keywords (a MUST) and trends (and keeping an eye on these regularly), you're creating pin designs and writing pin descriptions. This gets easier because you get in the flow but yes, there is work that goes into it.  It's not hard but it's not easy.  Another Pinterest success indicator is consistency which I'll talk about next. 


4. Can you be consistent with your pinning?

Just like consistency with creating content is important so is your pinning. Pinterest just loves that fresh content being pinned. It is a pin it and forget it system in the sense that your pin lives forever BUT it's NOT in the sense that you can't throw up 30 pins in a day and then never touch your account again. Yes, those pins will stay there to be found for a long time but it's not the most strategic practice.


5. Do you have a funnel in place to handle more traffic?  

So now you have more traffic, do you have a plan in place to maximize this?  What are you doing with all of this extra traffic?  What are you doing with your exploding email list?  Don't let this goldmine just sit! 


6. Is your website user friendly?  Once someone lands on your page do they know what you do and who you do it for?

Once someone clicks on your link, is it clear what they are supposed to do?  To maximize the benefits of Pinterest, make it VERY clear to them how you can KEEP helping them beyond this one piece of content they have consumed. Get them down the rabbit hole that is your content.  Also have clarity in who you are, how you serve and who you serve! 


You definitely don't need to have the most high tech website but you do need to make sure people can navigate easily.  A friendly user experience is key - I have clicked off on many a website that has too many misplaced ads, is hard to find what I'm looking for or I can't read the font.


7. Are you bringing value to the table?

This is a biggie. You can have a beautiful pin design with all the right keywords but does your content put its money where its mouth is? Are you adding value to the pinner's journey?  Are you giving them what they were looking for?  People have no tolerance for fluff or clickbait.  I know you'd never clickbait anyone but there needs to be a lot of cohesion between your pin and your content.


8. Do you have a regularly updated blog?

This isn't a necessity but it's a great to have.  Blogs are great for showcasing your knowledge and building trust with the reader.  Pinterest and blogging go hand in hand.  If you need blog posts, I can help with that, too!


How did you do?  Sound like you're ready to dive in?  Or do you have some questions?  Either way, I am here for it! Let's have a chat about the power of Pinterest!


I'm Mindy - a Pinterest Marketing + Content Manager.


I love working with realtors, coaches and creative service providers.


If you want to attract those dream clients organically, stand out and skip marketing overwhelm then you're in the right place!


Let's connect!



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Instagram: @pindysoo

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