Why I Love Pinterest Marketing For Businesses

I use Pinterest every single day. 


There have been times in my life where I've needed a social media break but not once have I thought I consumed too much Pinterest.  Why is that?  Because while social media can make you feel like you're doom scrolling or giving you a bad case of FOMO, Pinterest is there to help you improve your life. 


My searches there aren't mindless.  I am looking for something specific - maybe a new tip to help my business or to learn about something I'm interested in.  I'm inspired.  My feed is full of things that I've interacted with before - it's like it knows just what I want to discover (because it does).


I'm not alone.  People use the platform to find ways to make their life better.  They want their problems solved and their questions answered.  That's where your business comes in!


Here's why I'm wild about Pinterest Marketing for businesses.

Pins Have a Long Life Span


It's disheartening when you put a lot of effort into a piece of content and it's shoved down a newsfeed in a matter of minutes.  Luckily with Pinterest Marketing, your content can get new life! Pins live for years.  As long as your keywords are strong (meaning people are searching for your content), your pins are evergreen.  To clarify that, your pins are there no matter what.  They'll be found forever as long as your keyword game is strong.  

Followers Don't Matter as Much


We're hardwired for validation and so having a large follower count can make us feel good.  Let me tell you though, follower counts don't matter.  This isn't something you should be striving for on Pinterest and it definitely should not be something you should be stressing over.


Pinterest even changed things so you don't see a chronological feed of the pins of who you follow.  Instead in your home feed you see pins of things you've interacted with and engaged with along with a handful of pins from those you follow.

It's Visually Appealing


Think about typing a search into the Googs, you get pages of text.  Snooze fest.  Since Pinterest is a visual search engine, your pin must have an image to go along with it.  So instead of a sea of letters, you sort through relevant images to help you with your search.


To this point, here is why your pin design is important!

Link Friendly


Attaching a link on other platforms can be clunky and difficult.  You have to send your audience back to your bio or they have to send you a message.  With Pinterest it's so easy! You can add your link right to your pin.  All they have to do is click.  It doesn't get much simpler than that.

It's a Huge Traffic Driver


Why is Pinterest so great at driving traffic?  Because it's a search engine.  Let's say a pinner comes to the platform and searches "mindset change".  Pins show the searcher they have the answer but they don't give away all their secrets yet.  Instead they generously show them where they can find what they're looking for.  All they have to do is click on the attached link and they're on their way!


Your goal as a business is to get them off Pinterest and on to your website! 

Pinterest has so much going for it in terms of helping you grow your business.  Think this sounds pretty good?  Let's talk today!


I'm Mindy - a Pinterest Marketing + Content Manager.


I love working with realtors, coaches and creative service providers.


If you want to attract those dream clients organically, stand out and skip marketing overwhelm then you're in the right place!


Let's connect!


Email: mindy@pindysoo.com

Book a Call

Instagram: @pindysoo

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