Why Your Business Needs a Blog

In the age of video overload, are people still reading blogs?  Well, you're here aren't you?  Nine times out of ten I will choose a blog post over a video.  Maybe it's my bookworm side that just appreciates the written word but I am 100% team text.  Another thing I'm firm on?  Businesses having a blog.


One thing for certain is that having an online presence is pretty much a requirement nowadays.  When I'm looking for a new service, the first thing I do is head to the Internet to do my due diligence.  When I can't find much information, there's a large chance I'm going to abandon that ship.  However, when I can find information, there's also a large chance I'm going to go down a rabbit hole for hours.


It's Your Piece of the Internet


When Instagram and Facebook goes down, you're at the mercy of Meta.  There's long been talk about TikTok being banned.  You have absolutely no control on the fate of those platforms.  With a blog, you are in control.  Yes, your provider could have outages but then you can get to the bottom of the issue.  Have you ever tried to get customer service from a third party social media provider?  It's not pretty and you will be saying cuss words.  


Also think about platforms that have gone away - does anyone Vine anymore?  Who's still on Periscope or Clubhouse?  


Blogs and Pinterest have staying power and combine them together - you've got a rock solid place to house your content... without figuring out if dancing and lip synching is going to get your thoughts read.

Connect with your audience


The Internet can be a highly impersonal. We might feel more connected to someone to a degree but then with one scroll, we're on to the next person.  In a sea of posts, it can be harder to really establish a relationship.  With a blog, you get to really draw people into your world and tell them what you're about.


Buying from someone on the Internet is very personal, especially with high ticket offers.  Throwing down for a $7 eBook might not give you pause but what about a $5000 coaching package?  Connecting with your audience is crucial to develop the know, trust, like factor.  Think about making a purchase.  You have a couple options.  Would you rather by from someone who you felt connected to or someone you weren't vibing with?  You're handing over your hard earned dollars, is this person a total toad?


Blogs give you the chance over a 2000 character limit to really show who you are.


Establish your expertise and authority


A blog lets you get into the nitty gritty of what you do.  You get to really talk it through with the reader.  People come to blogs to read, they aren't scrolling for pictures.  They are open to hearing what you have to say.  They are open to learning from you.  A well crafted blog post that gives your reader something valuable really cracks open the authority factor.  


Show you know what you're talking about - you don't have to lay it out step by step.  Tell a story with your knowledge that shows what's possible and give them some nuggets.  Make them want to consume and learn more from you!


Expand Your Reach


Your posts can raise your search engine ranking.  Who doesn't want that?  You could rank higher when someone is on the Googs, looking for what you offer.  


Every post is a new entry point to your website.  Maybe one of your posts initially resonates with someone more than another.  Now you've got them on the site when it may have been a miss before.


Drive Traffic


Take one part blog, one part Pinterest and you've got a traffic driving machine.  


Pinterest shows them you have what they're searching for.  Your blog solidifies their choice.  Now they're poking around on all of your content.  Now they're saying THIS IS WHO I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! They send an email, they book a call.  You've formed a connection.  


Is adding a blog on your to-do list but you don't have the time?  I am here for you! Let's talk today about how blogging and Pinterest can transform your business!

I'm Mindy - a Pinterest Marketing + Content Manager.


I love working with realtors, coaches and creative service providers.


If you want to attract those dream clients organically, stand out and skip marketing overwhelm then you're in the right place!

Email me at mindy@pindysoo.com

Want to see if I can help?  Book a Call

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